Posting your vacancies exclusively for SSE Riga students

Looking to infuse your team with fresh perspectives and enthusiasm? Our Bachelor students are gearing up to start their internships from July onwards!

Here’s how you can post your #vacancies exclusively for SSE Riga students:

πŸ”· If you have long-term plans concerning publishing offers to SSE Riga students, create a company profile or update the one that your already have on JobTeaser and publish vacancies there by following this link:

πŸ”· Alternatively, create just a vacancy by following this link: It’s a win-win – companies can embrace a fresh outlook from the Gen Z generation, while our students can apply their knowledge to real businesses.

—> For more information of the practical aspects for publishing vacancies via school, please click here:

πŸ”· You can also send the vacancies to and we will publish them in our homepage as well as share in our social networks that connect alumni. This is done for a kind donation of 150 euros per vacancy that will be put forward to our Association funds.